Site definitions and custom templates are essential to delivering a customized SharePoint experience. While there are several good resources for information on how to deploy a custom site definition, such as the SDK, MSDN, and Heather Solomon's excellent site, there aren't many in-depth examples of custom code for UI modifications. It's time to change that, don't you think?
Over the next few months I'll be presenting "Extreme SharePoint Design", a regular blog series with advanced tips and tricks for designers. Topics won't be in any particular order, just cool stuff as I come across it with lots of code to copy and paste. Watch this space for updates, often daily but sometimes weekly, depending upon my travel schedule.
As always, feel free to share your thoughts or suggest ideas.
UPDATE: I'll be posting a lengthy article next week on customizing various context menus (Actions, Views, etc.) - it's a bigger task than I thought at first but well worth the effort. Stay tuned!